The God Thought Experiment & Cosmic Consciousness

The Awakening (Created using DALL-E) What if you were god? What if you were an all-knowing omnipotent consciousness that transcended space and time? A being in a state of singularity beyond duality and distinction. A consciousness so vast and infinitely boundless you encompass everything that is, was, and ever will be. You are infinite unrealized potential. A divine consciousness with an intense sense of unity that is so encompassing that ‘experiences’ and ‘relationships’ are alien to you. Perfectly complete and…

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Guardian of the Threshold: Astral Awakening on the Mountain

Encounter at the Threshold: Vision of the Guardian of the Unconscious —This image is a depiction of the mysterious archetypal presence I was confronted with in my vision, signifying the liminal space between the known self and the mysterious depths of the collective unconscious mind. (Created using DALL-E) The universe is a strange place, and I am starting to realize the mind is even stranger.  For the past year, I have been actively exploring the depths…


Are We Cogs in a Universal Mind Machine?

Cosmic Consciousness: Brain and Universe (Created using DALL-E) Exploring Cosmic Consciousness Let me make something clear. I don’t claim to be an expert in quantum physics, neuroscience, or Jungian psychology. But, I am a wandering soul swimming through the void — a tiny fish in the sea, relentlessly questing upstream to understand the complexities of human consciousness. And this is one of my attempts to do just that. We’ve touched on the mysteries of the personal unconscious and…

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The Unhinged Unconscious: Exploring Personal and Collective Psyche

Exploring the Depths of the Unconscious Mind (Created using DALL-E) The Wild Side of Your Psyche Ever had a weird feeling that there’s an unseen force secretly pulling your strings? Well, it’s not as far-fetched as you think. In our last chat, we explored the tip of the mental iceberg, the conscious mind. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Now, are you ready to explore the depths of the unconscious? This is where it…


The Death of Thought Writing

Bridging the Gap (Created using DALL-E) Medium's Meta Mayhem Let's cut the crap people. Scrolling through Medium have you noticed? The big bucks in writing are about…well, writing? It's like a damn pyramid scheme. Not just on Medium, but everywhere! The internet is full of online business gurus who've probably never sold a thing except for how-to guides. The waters are muddied, folks. I'm just saying…WAKE UP PEOPLE! Everyone is an expert these days. Or, so they…