The God Thought Experiment & Cosmic Consciousness

The Awakening (Created using DALL-E) What if you were god? What if you were an all-knowing omnipotent consciousness that transcended space and time? A being in a state of singularity beyond duality and distinction. A consciousness so vast and infinitely boundless you encompass everything that is, was, and ever will be. You are infinite unrealized potential. A divine consciousness with an intense sense of unity that is so encompassing that ‘experiences’ and ‘relationships’ are alien to you. Perfectly complete and…

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Are We Cogs in a Universal Mind Machine?

Cosmic Consciousness: Brain and Universe (Created using DALL-E) Exploring Cosmic Consciousness Let me make something clear. I don’t claim to be an expert in quantum physics, neuroscience, or Jungian psychology. But, I am a wandering soul swimming through the void — a tiny fish in the sea, relentlessly questing upstream to understand the complexities of human consciousness. And this is one of my attempts to do just that. We’ve touched on the mysteries of the personal unconscious and…

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Unlocking the Enigma of Reality: What is Consciousness?

The Simulated Holographic Universe (Created using Midjourney) Ever ask yourself what is consciousness? If you’ve cracked the code, do the world a favor and spill the tea. This puzzle has been playing hard to get since the dawn of self-reflection. In simple terms, consciousness is our awareness of ourselves and the world spinning around us. It’s that inner voice that narrates your day, the bit of you that savors your morning coffee and grumbles in…