Guardian of the Threshold: Astral Awakening on the Mountain

Encounter at the Threshold: Vision of the Guardian of the Unconscious —This image is a depiction of the mysterious archetypal presence I was confronted with in my vision, signifying the liminal space between the known self and the mysterious depths of the collective unconscious mind. (Created using DALL-E) The universe is a strange place, and I am starting to realize the mind is even stranger.  For the past year, I have been actively exploring the depths…


Beyond Childhood Trauma and the Black Sheep Burden

The Neon Sheep (Created using DALL-E) Escaping the Scapegoat's Shadow: A Tale of Survival and Self-Discovery Ever felt like the black sheep in your family? In my case, I was the neon, glow-in-the-dark sheep, standing out and taking the blame for everything, even things as absurd as global warming. And believe me, in a household where global warming is considered a hoax, that’s saying something.  A Childhood Shadowed by Fear Imagine this: a young kid, books stuffed…


A Thanksgiving of Truth and Self-Discovery

Dropping Truth Bombs On Thanksgiving (Created using DALL-E) The Raw Beginning: Spilling the Tea Alright folks, gather ‘round because I’m about to spill some tea — some tea about me. What better time for a hearty dose of truth-telling than Thanksgiving, right? I’m diving into the kind of soul-searching that’s nitty-gritty and sometimes downright grimy. You know, the stuff I’ve been blabbering about. Well, today’s the day I decided to stop talkin’ about it and be about it. I’ve…

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How an Ordinary Feather Became Extraordinary

Feather Tumbling in a Grocery Store Parking Lot (Created using Midjourney) Unveiling Lessons from Life’s Simplicity So I’m standing in a grocery store parking lot, but I’m not debating whether to go for organic kale or not. No, I’m fixated on an ordinary feather tumbling around like a lonely star in a clear night sky. My inner child waved at me, beckoning me to pick it up. But then a voice from my past — my mother’s…

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