The God Thought Experiment & Cosmic Consciousness

The Awakening (Created using DALL-E) What if you were god? What if you were an all-knowing omnipotent consciousness that transcended space and time? A being in a state of singularity beyond duality and distinction. A consciousness so vast and infinitely boundless you encompass everything that is, was, and ever will be. You are infinite unrealized potential. A divine consciousness with an intense sense of unity that is so encompassing that ‘experiences’ and ‘relationships’ are alien to you. Perfectly complete and…

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The Death of Thought Writing

Bridging the Gap (Created using DALL-E) Medium's Meta Mayhem Let's cut the crap people. Scrolling through Medium have you noticed? The big bucks in writing are about…well, writing? It's like a damn pyramid scheme. Not just on Medium, but everywhere! The internet is full of online business gurus who've probably never sold a thing except for how-to guides. The waters are muddied, folks. I'm just saying…WAKE UP PEOPLE! Everyone is an expert these days. Or, so they…


Overcoming Writer’s Block: Embracing a Daily Writing Ritual

The Struggle is Real (Created using DALL-E) Cultivating a Daily Writing Ritual Why, despite a sea of advice and a head brimming with ideas, do I find myself anchored to the spot, unable to consistently sail the waters of writing on Medium?  This question has become a constant thorn in my side, nagging me every time I try to ramp up my publishing frequency. Successful writers on Medium tirelessly preach about the importance of publishing frequently. Four…


From Math Fails to Naval Tales: My Son’s Military Metamorphosis

Riding the Waves of Parenthood and Patriotism USS Sullivans (Source: Wikipedia) It’s Veterans Day, people! A day when we salute our brave hearts in uniform, and I, as a military mom, do my usual — oscillate between bursting pride and biting nails. So get this. My 20-year-old son, who probably still can’t find matching socks to save his life — a spitting image of his mother — has just been deployed on a secret mission. It’s so hush-hush that it’s straight…

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Backyard Birding Bliss: The Unexpected Joys of Avian Visitors

Got Birds? Meet the VIPs of My Backyard Bird Bar Heads Up: The videos ahead come with a language warning—apparently, I'm as fluent in 'excited expletives' as I am in 'birding'. Viewer discretion is advised, especially if little ears are around or your parrot's in the room (trust me, you don't want them repeating this!). Backyard Bird Bar (Created using Midjourney) Avian Adventures Brought to You by My Backyard Lanai  Welcome to my avian paradise. Who knew…

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