The God Thought Experiment & Cosmic Consciousness

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Radiant cosmic landscape depicting the awakening of divine consciousness, with particles forming stars and life on Earth, symbolizing interconnected existence.
The Awakening (Created using DALL-E)

What if you were god?

What if you were an all-knowing omnipotent consciousness that transcended space and time? A being in a state of singularity beyond duality and distinction. A consciousness so vast and infinitely boundless you encompass everything that is, was, and ever will be.

You are infinite unrealized potential. A divine consciousness with an intense sense of unity that is so encompassing that ‘experiences’ and ‘relationships’ are alien to you. Perfectly complete and whole, yet alone, static, and unchanging. There is no ‘other’ and there is no ‘self.’ Not because others don’t exist but because these distinctions have not yet emerged.

Hidden within this primordial unity and unparalleled potential, a spark ignites. A longing not from a place of lack, but from a burning desire. The desire to experience, to express, to create, and to evolve.

Unwilling to remain still any longer, you burst forth with a light unseen and unknown until now. You begin to differentiate, painfully scattering yourself into an endless array of fragments. Each fragment of your being gradually loses sight of the singular unity from which you came.

This is when you find yourself on the precipice of a profound and painful transformation: the awakening of individual consciousness and everything that exists.

These tiny soul fragments, as they journeyed through the cosmos, began to awaken to their individuality. Although they no longer grasped the wholeness of their origin, they still had a relentless urge to realize their true potential.

In an attempt to understand their place in the cosmos, they began to piece together the universe around them. Realizing their essence as atoms, they bond, evolving into molecules. This was an epic realization of their interconnectedness that set the stage for the grand symphony of life.

These molecules then coalesced, forming the very particles that laid the foundations of stars, planets, solar systems, and galaxies. They became the sculptors of the sun and the architects of black holes. The creators and destroyers of worlds.

As these celestial bodies began to take shape, these particles gave birth to oceans — a cradle of primordial soup where the magic of life began. In these nurturing waters, molecules embarked on a remarkable transformation, joining forces to create the first cells.

This miraculous leap from non-life to life sparked a cascade of evolution, painting Earth with the vibrant hues of biodiversity. These cells, through the eons, began a magnificent proliferation, evolving into complex organisms that would colonize every corner of the planet.

This multiplication unveiled an astonishing diversity of life, from the simplest single-celled organisms floating in the ancient seas to the complex creatures that roam the Earth today. Each step, from atom to molecule, from cell to organism, narrates the epic saga of life’s unyielding march toward complexity and diversity.

Just like an acorn, these soul fragments started small. An acorn digs its roots deep into the ground determined to one day pierce the surface only to emerge as a tender sapling, unaware of its full potential. Vulnerable in its infancy, yet destined to rise as a mighty oak tree.

Guided by instinct and the subtle synchronicities gifted to them by the universe, these fragments were slowly nudged toward moments of insight and reconnection with the greater whole. Eventually, each soul fragment awakens to the realization of who and what they truly are. They are the universe, they are life. They are you.

© 2023 Evelyn Ann Rose. All rights reserved.

Evelyn Ann Rose

Spiritual Gangsta

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