Guardian of the Threshold: Astral Awakening on the Mountain

Encounter at the Threshold: Vision of the Guardian of the Unconscious —This image is a depiction of the mysterious archetypal presence I was confronted with in my vision, signifying the liminal space between the known self and the mysterious depths of the collective unconscious mind. (Created using DALL-E) The universe is a strange place, and I am starting to realize the mind is even stranger.  For the past year, I have been actively exploring the depths…


The Unhinged Unconscious: Exploring Personal and Collective Psyche

Exploring the Depths of the Unconscious Mind (Created using DALL-E) The Wild Side of Your Psyche Ever had a weird feeling that there’s an unseen force secretly pulling your strings? Well, it’s not as far-fetched as you think. In our last chat, we explored the tip of the mental iceberg, the conscious mind. If you missed it, you can catch up here. Now, are you ready to explore the depths of the unconscious? This is where it…


The Mind’s Theatre: Unmasking the Ego and Persona

 An Ethereal Landscape of the Mind (Created using DALL-E) Discovering the Conscious Self in Our Inner Universe Are you ready for an adventure into the depths of your mind? A journey where the secrets of your psyche unfold, revealing the intricate tapestry of your inner world. You’re probably asking, ‘What’s in it for me? Why should I bruise my brain?’ Well, think of it as unlocking the secrets of your mind and becoming a master of…


Beyond Childhood Trauma and the Black Sheep Burden

The Neon Sheep (Created using DALL-E) Escaping the Scapegoat's Shadow: A Tale of Survival and Self-Discovery Ever felt like the black sheep in your family? In my case, I was the neon, glow-in-the-dark sheep, standing out and taking the blame for everything, even things as absurd as global warming. And believe me, in a household where global warming is considered a hoax, that’s saying something.  A Childhood Shadowed by Fear Imagine this: a young kid, books stuffed…


A Thanksgiving of Truth and Self-Discovery

Dropping Truth Bombs On Thanksgiving (Created using DALL-E) The Raw Beginning: Spilling the Tea Alright folks, gather ‘round because I’m about to spill some tea — some tea about me. What better time for a hearty dose of truth-telling than Thanksgiving, right? I’m diving into the kind of soul-searching that’s nitty-gritty and sometimes downright grimy. You know, the stuff I’ve been blabbering about. Well, today’s the day I decided to stop talkin’ about it and be about it. I’ve…

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